EuropeG – Activities

Other activities
The project may also consider holding conferences on specific themes, open to the public (similar to seminars) with the participation of members of the group and/or external experts.

Policy brief
The Policy Brief is the paper which will synthesise the Group’s opinions and positions with regard to the issues debated in the permanent seminar. It will be published quarterly and its presentation and dissemination are essential to achieve the objectives of the project (to create informed opinion on important issues).

Open meetings
During the year, reserved meetings may be held, though open to people from outside EuropeG, in order to test the Group’s views and help to shape its positions. There might be two meetings a year, with between twenty and thirty eminent persons from academia, business and policy makers, with the attendance of special guests from the media.

Permanent seminar
Composed of the members of the EeuropeG, it will meet four times a year to discuss the topics scheduled. Indeed, the permanent seminar is the central thread of the overall project. The work and debate in the permanent seminar will give rise to the ‘policy briefs‘.

Meetings with the “sponsors’ commission”
The Group will establish a specific framework for collaboration and coordination with the companies that contribute to the project’s funding. For this purpose, a commission (‘sponsors’ commission’) will be set up, and consulted and informed on issues relevant to the project: composition of the Group, program of the permanent seminar and dissemination and outreach activities. The representatives of these companies should play a prominent role in the open meetings.